Low-wage and immigrant workers in Lawrence gathered to take part in a Worker's rights justice meeting. Some local workers claim they have been the victims of unfair treatment in the workplace.
But lower-wage — and particularly immigrant — workers don’t always get paid for all the work they do in our community.
It’s called “wage theft,” and several area workers who have experienced it shared their stories Saturday at the first Lawrence Worker Justice Coalition meeting at Plymouth Congregational Church, 925 Vt.
Juan Miguel Turcios, an undocumented immigrant from Honduras, gave one example of how businesses in Lawrence treat such workers unfairly. Turcios, who has been in the United States four years, said he was recently hurt on the job. That injury led to an infection and a $4,000 hospital visit — an expense his employer won’t pay, and one he can’t.
It’s a story that’s becoming more and more…
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