Wednesday, September 8, 2010

OregonCenterforPP: Wage Theft Robs Workers and the Economy

Payday arrived, but the paychecks did not.

The news broke last month of a dozen workers scrubbing floors at a Safeway warehouse in Clackamas who claim that the temp agency that hired them repeatedly failed to pay. Fortunately for them, the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries negotiated with Safeway payment of the wages owed, while the bureau considers going after the temp agency.

Unfortunately, though it rarely makes news, wage theft is all too common these days. And it is making life more difficult for many workers who already earn too little.

Wage theft affects a significant share of the lowest-paid workers. In a landmark study published earlier this year, researchers from the National Employment Law Project surveyed workers in low-wage industries in Chicago, Los Angeles and New York City. They found that a quarter of these workers — one out of four — were paid less than minimum wage in the previous work week.

The fleecing of workers did not end there. Of the workers who reported putting in more than 40 hours a week, three-quarters of them said they did not receive overtime pay to which they would be entitled. And 70 percent of those who worked beyond their regular shift, either coming in early or staying late, reported not getting paid for their…



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