Friday, June 11, 2010

The Nation: Ms. Solis Goes to Immokalee

“"For years we've been doing wage-theft cases where people don't get paid for a day, a week, or a month," said Asbed. "One person or 100 people--people who walk in our office, or members who call in from Georgia or elsewhere. We call the employer, tell them their rights, what the laws are. And we try to convince them to do the right thing. In the majority of cases they do. But there is a significant minority who don't. In the past we've referred these matters to the states' labor agencies or the federal Department of Labor, with mixed results, to say the least. But Secretary Solis is making it very clear that she wants her investigators to work with us--to be present down here. If we have cases that have hit a wall, she wants us to take them to the investigators. And we're going to do that….",0,0,1



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