Tuesday, July 27, 2010

NYT: Most Ironbound Day Laborers Report Being Cheated

Nearly all day laborers who gather for work in the Ironbound neighborhood of Newark have had employers who have either paid them less than promised or not paid them at all, according to a Seton Hall University report on wage theft and workplace conditions among day laborers.

In addition, despite New Jersey state laws that grant day laborers the same legal protections that apply to all workers, the vast majority of day laborers in the Ironbound say that employers have failed to provide them with safety equipment, and at least 20 percent say they have been injured on the job, said the report (pdf), which is scheduled to be released Tuesday.

“Our findings demonstrate a staggering degree of workplace violations and exploitation of day laborers by local employers in violation of federal and state law, resulting in a loss of dignity for the day laborer population and a loss of revenue to the public,” said the study’s authors, a group of professors and students at the Immigrant Workers’ Rights Clinic at the Seton Hall School of Law.



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